The future of Outbound with Gerardo Teijeira, SDR Manager and Outbound Sales Expert

The Prospecting Masterclass ep. 18 Hey there Croners! We’re finally back with episode 18 of The Prospecting Masterclass, the original Crono column that gives you insights and tips right from the best minds in sales. In this episode we’re very excited to introduce to you Gerardo Teijeira, SDR Manager but mostly a professional who’s truly into […]

Marketing success: Alberto Gerin’s 5 Tips for CMOs wannabe

5 Tips for CMOs Wannabe (things we wish we knew but nobody ever told us) Hey Croners! Let’s be honest, everyone wants to become a CMO, right? But here’s the kicker, especially in those early career years: having a mentor to shed light on your path and guide you makes all the difference. It keeps […]

Building a Startup from the point of view of the CTO

The birth and launch of a brand new business is similar to a ride on a roller coaster and that’s one of the many truths uncovered in the startup narrative. Exciting moments, visiting new places and meeting incredible people but also hard work and constantly improving the product: the adventure told in this column is […]

The SaaS Revolution starts with a PLS strategy

Every Revolution starts with a spark: todays SaaS startups don’t have to choose any longer between Product-Led-Growth and Sales-Led-Growth as a new revolutionary strategy comes into play. Crono, together with HEU Legal, is presenting to you a unique guide to unfold the Product-Led-Sales model and its disruptive application in startups. Go ahead and prepare yourselves […]

Greta Beccarello on the importance of creativity and flexibility for CMOs

Hey Croners! Let’s be honest, everyone wants to become a CMO, right? But here’s the kicker, especially in those early career years: having a mentor to shed light on your path and guide you makes all the difference. It keeps you from getting stuck in mistakes or falling into bad habits. And since we’ve been […]

Building a Startup: A good network is key

Building a startup from an idea can be an exciting adventure that tests resilience, passion, and commitment. It’s about creating something entirely new and adopting the right mindset to turn it into a successful reality. With “Becoming Crono” we’ll revisit our starting point through an honest and captivating memoir written by our CTO, Marco Maddiona.  Each […]

Overcoming Challenges And Embracing Personalization In Outbound Sales

Nice to see you again Croners! We’re ready with episode 17 of The Prospecting Masterclass and it keeps getting better. We love to get the different points of views of our guests, learning from their words and experience. Sometimes though, it’s the soft skills to make the difference. We got the chance to interview Enrico […]

How to become a CMO and survive in the marketing industry

Hey Croners! Let’s be honest, everyone wants to become a CMO, right? But here’s the kicker, especially in those early career years: having a mentor to shed light on your path and guide you makes all the difference. It keeps you from getting stuck in mistakes or falling into bad habits. And since we’ve been […]

How to win the B2B Sales Market with Creativity

Hi there Croners! We’re back with the 16th episode of “The Prospecting Masterclass”, we’ve come a long way, haven’t we? Today’s guest is a force of nature, with an incredible job experience in some of the biggest and best companies in the field. His quick rise in the business didn’t stop him from gaining consciousness […]

Building a Startup: from the idea to the MVP

Building a startup from an idea can be an exciting adventure that tests resilience, passion, and commitment. It’s about creating something entirely new and adopting the right mindset to turn it into a successful reality. With “Becoming Crono” we’ll revisit our starting point through an honest and captivating memoir written by our CTO, Marco Maddiona.  Each […]